Rabu, 02 April 2008

Life based learning:

The report:
Life based learning:
an approach for capability
development in Vocational
Training and Education
This final report of the Designing Professional
Development for the Knowledge Era research project is
entitled Life based learning: a strength based approach
for capability development in Vocational Training and
Education. The substantive parts of the report are
commentaries on vision and values, key concepts from
the literature, and links between these concepts and
contemporary work environments. These are followed
by an exposition of the key findings from the research.
The final parts of the report address the application
issues associated with the key findings of the research.
Vision and values
The research is premised on a vision of VTE business
environments as flexible, dynamic, risk-taking and selfsustaining
systems. The vision for learners in VTE is
that they work with teachers and trainers who
passionately believe in learning and in helping others to
learn and to reach their potential. This vision includes
rich and diverse learning environments that incorporate
continuous inquiry and development that is both
adaptable to continually changing environments and
sustainable and resilient in the business context of VTE.
The research identified a set of values that are
emerging as fundamental to living and working in the
Knowledge Era, values that need to be reclaimed in the
workplace. Significant amongst these values are:
• for the self:
– trustworthiness, honesty, integrity, engagement,
selflessness, equanimity
• with others:
– generosity, collaboration, humility, openness,
• together as a group:
– taking responsibility instead of blaming others
– planning and implementing wisely
– being positive and looking beyond the immediate
– balancing personal and work needs
– being supported in taking risks
– supporting community.
Values are seen as a key feature of any culture. The
attributes of values that have been recognised in the
research include the need for developmental values as
well as values for ‘end results’ such as goals, and a
balance between the two.

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